Secure Payment

Secure Buying on

At, your security is our top priority. We’ve put measures in place to ensure safe and reliable transactions for all users, so you can shop with confidence. Here’s how we protect your purchases:

Payment Protection

When you buy horse gear on, which has a direct purchase option and payment on the ad, we hold your payment securely. This means your money is safe and will only be released to the seller once the product has been successfully delivered. No worries about paying upfront and not receiving your item.

Verified Sellers

We verify our sellers to help ensure that you're dealing with genuine people offering quality horse gear. This helps reduce the risk of fraud and builds trust within our community.

Delivery Tracking

You can track the progress of your order to ensure everything is on time. Once your horse gear is delivered and you confirm that it’s as described, we release the funds to the seller.

Dispute Resolution

If there’s any issue with your purchase, such as receiving the wrong item or damaged goods, our dispute resolution team is here to help. We won’t release the funds to the seller until the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.

Shop and sell with peace of mind at, where secure payments and safe transactions come first!

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